(GXR M-mount with Nokton 35mm F1.2 ASPH II)
This is another old-style hand-written signboard which is rarely seen these days in Hong Kong. Here it was seen in a makeshift neighbourhood feifaat po (for "po" see the post Potautsai) in an alley. Feifaat in Cantonese means hair-cutting. So, fetfaat po is a hair-dresser shop. There are lots of interesting stuff to see in an old fetfaat po, which was discussed here and here. For the shot of today, one cultural thing worth mentioning is the second last item on the signboard.
It says, Hair-cutting for Old Lady. The special mention of Old Lady is probably because in the old days (the barber of this feifaat po is an old-timer), not every hair-dresser shop was catered for service for women. The ladies had to trip to those which did serve them to have a hair cut. Why old ladies? That is easy. The feifaat po is situated in a very old neighbourhood.