(Full-sized images included; links given in the paragraphs) (continue from yesterday) The images at normal setting taken with Ricoh cameras are with an unmistakeable character: the images are less heavily coloured. The colour is less contrasty, giving out a taste of what mellow is to red wine, supposing you are not a teetotaller. For those who preferred images with vivid colours, Ricoh cameras used to give an impression of producing washy images. This is a shot by P10 giving out a colour of Ricoh's distinctive less contrasty feel adored by many Ricoh fans. Probably after GX200, Ricoh has done some adjustment to the image settings to cater for users with such a taste. The adjusted choices for colour settings are also carried through to the GXR, allowing users to switch between Vivid, Standard, Nature, Black and White, Blank and White (Toning Effect) and two customisable settings whereby users can adjust vividness, contrast, sharpness and highlight individual colours....
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