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Showing posts from December 4, 2011

A Restful Dude

  (Ricoh GX200) Fact is, he is the security personnel, using a pair of sunglasses to cover up his dozing off.

Cow Girls

(Ricoh GX200with TC-1 135mm equiv. converter) Friday.  Rest.  What else can be better?

Circles, Rectangles and Triangles

(Ricoh GX200with TC-1 135mm equiv. converter) In the eye of the passers-by, I was like a fool pointing the camera aimlessly to the middle of nowhere. After a photographer, I have simply trained myself to see the world like through a viewfinder.  Maybe intuitive it has become. For the generations shooting not through a viewfinder, can they manage to acquire the same intuition? I wonder.


(Ricoh GX200with TC-1 135mm equiv. converter) Ghostly? Spiritual? Sci-fi-ish? Could it be the spirit of a woman? No matter what it is like, the important thing to a street photographer is to preserve the desired atmosphere at the opportune moment. A slight hesitation could ruin the original intention as the reflected spot may shift, the man may leave or unwanted subjects may appear in the scene. This is why a photographer should practise enough to be able to response at a split of a second.   

Any Way You Like it

(Ricoh GX200) Hong Kong is blessed to have a harbour for it gives not only the highly congested city a much-needed breathing space but also photographers unlimited photography opportunities.  The harbour presents itself in different moods and colours as the weather, time of a day and seaons change.  It morphs into unique forms and appearances when looking from different angles and distances.  Admire it, enjoy it amd shoot it in any time, any way you like.

Yearly Minutiae

 (Ricoh GX200 with TC-1 135mm equiv. converter) Hong Kong is seen in its best sartorial elegance around this time every year.  If the building is not festooned with festive-colour light-bulbs of some sort and shape, it would be decorated with Christmas garlands in red, green or white of nature, plastic or metal. The whole town is at a riot of colours, mending its pace to farewell the year and celebrate the coolness which is to usher in another twelve months.  Then, when the new year has been coy enough about its coming and finally came with the encouragement of hurrahs at countdowns and booming fireworks, what lay before the eye will be a city dressed in Chinese celebratory red.  And you will know, the Chinese New Year in February is around the corner. Around this time every year, photographers who have made acute and clever observation on the minutiae of the going of the city and its people will end up with a good enough amount of keepers. Pick up your camera and...

Street Pipe Dancer

(Ricoh GX200) But no one is watching. This is Sunday. Have a fun day!