The competition among the camera makers participating in the serious compact market has become keener. I just learnt that some local retailers selling are willing to sell the GF-1 plus pancake set (distributor's merchandise) at the regular price while buying back the pancake at its original price, making the GF-1 body cost as low as a point-and-shoot DC. The amount is roughly HK$3,200 (about UK£ 300 or US$ 420). Such a low price can effectively make the user forgive the camera for some of its weaknesses like the problematic focusing issue. Here I was using the NX10 with the long zoom lens on, repeatedly trying to lock the focus of the bike moving some 10 metres ahead of me. I was without success. The lens just didn't oblige no matter whichever part of the subject I pointed the lens to. The sky was absolutely bright enough for the lens to lock the focus. The process took like 15 seconds before I finally succeeded by which time the bike moved 10 me...
Tasteful shots, ideas and info about serious compact cameras plus Hong Kong