Thanks to Samsung Hong Kong, GX Garnerings has been playing with the NX100 for a few days. Before the field test posts are ready, our first impression can be given in one word: impressive. For sure a week later we will be able to figure out the flaws hidden from us at the moment, but no one will believe in the hypothesis of one perfect camera. We are having a black one with a decent manly look, which appeals to us – well, men. If you are a control-freak, the NX100 definitely suits you. And if you don't feel rich enough for the dearer choices, Samsung is graceful enough to make it really affordable. The camera body with the 20-50mm (oddball focal coverage though) kit lens is selling for a price in the area of G12's price tag in Hong Kong. It asks for less but gives lots. But do expect the same inadequacy in the focusing speed for low-light and low-contrast scenes as in the case of all such mirrorless cameras. The commercials featu...
Tasteful shots, ideas and info about serious compact cameras plus Hong Kong