![P1080722 (Large)[10] P1080722 (Large)[10]](http://lh4.ggpht.com/_ht_17wiSoBo/TNcqMecHqmI/AAAAAAAAHeo/oWFIoxFlOJ0/P1080722%20%28Large%29%5B10%5D_thumb%5B3%5D.jpg?imgmax=800)
(Camera: GF-1)
It is a safe bet that Pany is repositioning the GF-2 to the market of point-and-shooters who want a tool with interchangeable lenses. The reason why it wants to do that is questionable, not least because this is more like walking away from the huge success of the GF1.
A possible guess is that Sony has created a new market segment with its adorable (not the pink one) NEX series, eating up the profit margins of Pany's and Oly's products. So the GF-2 is a comeback to grab back the market share. I hope that this is not true because a follower can never be a leader. Leaders always lead with creativity and followers always follow with indistinguishable copycats.
Copycats are second best unless they are really selling at a critically cheap price. Fact is, the MFT is doing very good. For example, it has brought into the fold Cosina with its Voigtlander lenses which, like the GF1, suit enthusiast photographers best.

At any rate, it's a shame that the GF-2 is such a dumb-down upgrade to the fantastic GF-1. In Hong Kong, the GF-1 has been selling like hot cakes across a wide spectrum of users from newbies to enthusiasts. It has captivated the hearts, and purses, of many ladies too. Apart from the few design flaws which I found during the field test, the GF-1 is an all-round camera from size to handling. In the realm of serious compacts, the paramount consideration should go to the size and handling provided that the pricing is right. For the GF2, the first impression is that it is not tailor-made for fantastic ergonomics.
Take for example the gimmickry touch-screen thingy of the GF-2. It is more suited to a camera with an articulated LCD, which the GF-2 lacks. It does not take a reviewer's scrutiny to conclude that the downside of taking away the control dials is a non-starter for photographers.
Thus, with the same sensor and in a bit bigger size, the GF-1 is simply a wiser choice over the GF-2 especially when the GF-1 is offered at a reduced price now – something like HK$5,000 for an either-lens kit set (I am thinking that if there are enough buyers, maybe we can even bargain for a cheaper price). It is not a dealer's item, not the grey merchandise.
Let's figure it out when GX Garnerings tries out the GF2, if we manage to get one.