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Showing posts from March 13, 2016

Life Attitude

One of the reasons I made my foray into photography some light years ago was because I had a sum of government grants for paying for my first semester in the uni and a marked lack of interest in any other hobby that I thought was remotely related to endearing myself to any prospective girlfriend in an effective way – which was proved a smart and fruitful choice. (Ricoh GR) I had saved some pocket money from my mum to pay for the semester instead.  Huh! I have never been very comfortable with action sports.  I don’t like the way those sports requiring one to compete with another in a way that the whole reality seems to build only on winning over the others.  That’s just personal.  I was more the Confucian kind of man of sport – that rather static kind of observant chap that could sit effortlessly with and listen effort-fully to you for hours, patting on your shoulder to cue you to move on and over.  I can do sports but odds are the result I get won’t lo...