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Showing posts from May 6, 2012

Special Freight

(Leica X1) The special freight bag had to be quite cosy. Look at his expression of satisfaction!

Long Stick, Boys

(Leica D-Lux 5) On my way home from tonight's talk by Simon Wheatley on his project , I stumbled upon this scene while giving a deep thought to going about a photographic project on a similar aspect of the local culture. Graffiti was not part of the culture among youngsters here until roughly twenty years ago. In recent years, the followers of graffiti have been growing from strength to strength, partly thanks to some voluntary missions offering inexpensive graffiti training to engage and salvage young people from the downwards spiral of family and drug problems. It is an easy guess on the teenage age of the graffiti creator here as the vulgar wording "LONG DICK BOYS" at the top betrays the authorship. For interest, the Cantonese equivalent of "dick" is "look ye", or literally "stick". "Ye" is more of an exclamatory morpheme homomorphic (similar in form) and homophonic to the character meaning "wild" as in "ye yan...

A Friendly Reminder

(Ricoh GRD4) Oh, this is May 10. Leica is launching something new today.

So Long, Hot Dog

(Sony A55) An undisputable Hong Kong icon, the non air-conditioned bus fleet made the last journey and was put into history yesterday. The non air-conditioned bus has certainly nailed a place in the locals' heart for its long service before the advent of the air-conditioned models. Passionately dubbed the hot dog bus, an animated term to describe the feeling of riding it, it brought unbearable gust of hot air stream head-on to passengers through the windows when travelling in great speed on the sultry summer days, especially when going through the tunnels. The in-compartment heat could possibly cause heat-stroke if one sat on the lower deck in summer and got stuck in a traffic jam, bearing the brunt of the hot exhaust gas billowing all around outside of the window. The meltingly high temperature in the compartment was not helped by the metal body under the scorching sun. Arduous may be a bit over the top in saying about the journey experience, but stiff is certainly the word ju...

Making Repose

(Ricoh GX200 with 19mm converter) A painter once said to me that souls are the all-important elements in paintings. Souless works are never successful works no matter how skillfully done they are. So, the painter needs to pour out the soul, or the heart's impressions, on the canvas rather than caring too much about the skill aspect. The impressions refer to the imprints of what the painter has been seeing, feeling and reflecting in his daily life. Can the same be said to photographs? I would say in the positive. On this note, today's shot is very pleasing at least to me as I have a strong impression that I need to make repose for myself too! Probably this was the thought I was reminded of on the spot, which therefore appealed to me to snap a shot of this scene.

Super Moon In Hong Kong

(Sony A55, HDR mode, at roughly 450mm; cropped and PPed to sharpen and give it an Afga-film feel) The biggest full moon was observed around the world last night ( here is an educational video ). I shot some photos of it here in Hong Kong last night and put them on the 42" TV panel. I was really thrilled. How I wish I had a better lens!

Till Death Do We Part

  (Ricoh GX200) This is Sunday. Show your love to the people you care. Nothing and no one is to be taken for granted