^Magnesium Alloy chassis, high grade plastic exterior … NOT Along with the surprise supposedly afforded by the launch of the E-P1, Olympus has secretly hidden another bigger surprise underneath the surface of the camera. It is "plasticularly" surprising to find the secret underlying the lightness of the camera unfolded in the plastic surgical stripdown below: Surprise One: Lightweight plastic interior (and exterior too?) Surprise One: Lightweight plastic pancake (the 17mm one the left) [Or which is which exactly according to Olympus ?] Thank you for joining us tonight for the two pieces of expensive plastic. In fact, will the camera and lens melt under the sun? Just wondering. (Photos published by courtesy and copyright of Peter of PhotoRumours ) ----- As an aside, the interior of the GX100 has much more substance than the E-P1. Click on the photo below to watch the stripdown and...
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