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Showing posts from June 1, 2014


(Ricoh GRD4) Yahoo! I found the invoice for the GRD4 and sent it to the dealer for repairing the malfunctioning manual focus, which rendered the snap mode totally useless.  I hope it will be soon for the GRD4 to be up and about.

Bizarre Traffic Accident

(Leica X1) He should call the police… not!  Enjoy!


(Leica X1) What these photographers took to be a free photo shoot session with the usually sexily clad models at road  shows might be nothing more than a chance to openly appease the lust of the eyes, a visual free lunch. Well, photographers, depending on how you phrase the meaning of it. I do not intend any offence but that is just my personal opinion. If one is really showing contempt to a man, there is a sort of jokingly derogatory  Cantonese term "ma-le-no", which literally means rough-swing-man. On application: men may speak it causally to make fun of the receiving side or in a piqued tone with some four letter words to make known his fume. If it is spoken by a lady to a man, the usual scenario is they being in a fight in which case "ma-le-no" will be shouted out at the top of her lungs. But never say this word in front of these photographers to spoil the party and make the situation difficult for everyone. (P.S. stress on MA, weaken on le; if you ut...

Right Here Waiting

(Leica X1) Enjoy!