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Showing posts from February 14, 2016

Move on

(Leica X1) This afternoon I ran into a young man carrying a Leica with a friendly countenance apparently showing his passion for photography.  The Leica was mounted with a Voigtländer lens, if I was not mistaken.  Nice choice.  Just because those state-of-the-art cameras offers tons of features, doesn’t necessary mean that the owner will be happier.  In fact, as far as I know what the psychology theory suggests, more options oblige us to work our brain harder lest we may miss the good stuff which can make us less happy.  On the contrary, simplicity allows us to enjoy ourselves more.  With a Leica, the shooter just needs to focus on the basic scheme of taking a good photo.  And that is all.  I had a little chat with the young man and just two years into photography he has acquired a sophisticated, expensive taste.  Though with 20 years in the hobby under my belt, maybe I can learn a lot from him.  One never knows. We all can move on to p...

Dead City

(Ricoh GR) Since the start of this blog back in 2008, Hong Kong has seen a sea of changes in its political reality and ruling system to the worst which, as matter stands, leads to a decline of logic and common sense by far among the cream of the society and their followers begging power.  To those who have grown in the city when governance was by reason, the de facto dead of the city it once was is probably a past tense.  The death knell has rung loud and clear.  It is sad to admit so.  These are the images through my sad eye to hopefully illustrate how empty the city seems to me now.