Nowadays, it is among the communters taking the underground, friends getting together in a cafe, co-workers sitting on a meeting or even lovers hugging one another in the street that the i-short-sightness epidemic shows its astounding intensity. Time will tell if the smartphone is one of those cool things which should not have been invented in the first place.
Today's photo reminds me of a personal experience that speaks volumes for the ludicrous nature of being obsessed with digital communication. It took place over a dinner among members of an executive committee of some sort. While chatting with the members around me, I noticed a young member (well, he is old enough to just get married last month) sitting across the table engrossed in his iPad. He could be playing a game or something and he had barely looked up even when replying his neighbours. Some 45 minutes later, he was still on it. At this juncture, my phone chimed to alert me to an email. I spared it until the folks next to me were away to the gents. Guess who sent the email? Right, it's the young member on the iPad. What is it about? He was applying for a leave for the coming committee meeting. And whom should be noticed about the application? The committee chairman and the members who are sitting right at the same table! He didn't make mention of the application or the email throughout or after the dinner.
Enlighten me if it is only me who is the old school not knowing that digital communication is actually much better and faster than saying it out on the spot.