I just got so creativity last night after the weekly drawing class, which themed on Moon last night, that I spent a bit time setting up for fictional scenes with the Moon background, snapping shots with the D-Lux5 (coz it afforded the scene an extensive DOF I needed for it) and post-processing it for extra intriguing effects. Not brilliantly brilliant works but just hope to share them on this relaxing rest day.
At the drawing class, we were asked to not just draw the moon as was but blend the reality with fictional ideas. The drawing class is a steady source to me for a growing sense of colour and creativity. I have the impression that it helps me mature more with a photographer's eye.
The above images was done by showing the super moon shot I snapped on the TV and placing the objects in front of it. The raged-edge hole and the biting in the first and last images were by superimposing the moon image with paper cutting. Next, snapped with the camera and post-processed to colourise or stamp cartoon images.