I bumped into a camera review webpage and read the following:
"Looking at the high ISO image samples between these two models, it is clear that the X100 trumps the X1 at ISO 3,200. The Fujifilm's picture has less noise while the Leica displayed digital artifacts around the shot."
This is not on just any usual blogger’s site but the CNET website. A big question mark here.
It is common sense that noise in a 100% crop is just one of the factors to make a conclusion on the IQ. Surely the reviewer was aware of this. Then why the conclusion? Actually the cropped image shows that the X1's image has more "substance" (3-dimensional-ish in character), which is a more endearing image quality if you asked me. The bottom line is that not all noise is equally off-putting to the eye.
His conclusion on the IQ may make one wonder how well-versed, or otherwise, the reviewer is on the other parts of the review. How long did he spend with the camera outside of the lab to justify the conclusions? Fact is, moreover, as far as my experience goes, reviewers are seldom given the user’s instructions with the camera for review. So, a lab test of a camera is only as good as it gets on the technicality of a camera. A prospective buyers will wish to make reference to some field tests or verdicts of trusted photographers. Better still, get a hand on the real thing in a shop. Also prepare your memory card for storing your test shots to be evaluated at home.