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What Normal Tourists Won't Do

R0010281L (Ricoh GX200)

On front coverage today, the Headlines Daily reveals an example of the stunning things you may come across in Hong Kong. It reports, in Chinese:

"Local pedestrian precincts have turned into places for buskers to perform magic shows , singing and whatnots. But their performances are dwarfed by their youthful counterpart donning a monk robe who was recently seen in Causeway Bay doing literally ‘bloody’ acrobatics like, to name a few, thrusting chopsticks at the throat, pounding the head with glass bottles and bending steel bars with fingers. He was seen not only doing the acrobatics but also dripping blood from the wounds on his throat, chest and tummy. What a bloody scene! Many spectators were horrified and turned their face away.

"A district councillor who was among the crowd recalled, ‘At first, the young monk did some Kungfu jumps and kicks. Then, he bare-handedly bended steel bars thick as fingers into rings. And then, he broke some glass bottles with his head. At the very last, he forcefully drove some three to four chopsticks at his throat, giving out sounds of chopsticks breaking while he broke them like that.’"

The person is believed to be a fake monk on travel visa. The incident reminds the author of recent spotting of beggars like, for example, a woman with a sound asleep (drugged to sleep?) child, a horrid heavily burnt person and a very badly deformed man on the footbridge leading to the Central pier. Judging from their clothes and many similar spotting in Shenzhen – the Mainland boom town neighbouring Hong Kong, it is safe to say that all these people come from Mainland China, undoubtedly on travel visa, to beg money there at the instruction of some criminal masterminds.

For the sake of these people, don’t be fooled to be their spectator or give them money. If no one patronise the distasteful ideas, they will vanish sooner.


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