The above engineered photo has been circulating on the Internet for some time. Now the rumour has gone further, probably closer to the truth. The latest issue of Chasseur d'Images, a French photography magazine, reveals in its latest issue (#316) that Olympus is working on the E-P2 to be released by the end of this year. The successor (or a hasty update? A calculated step?) to the E-P1 is reported to finally feature a viewfinder, the lack of which and the same of a built-in flash are at the heart of the challenge targeted at the camera.
But if there is really going to be a E-P2 with a viewfinder as suggested, the not-so-small-sized digital PEN will be even bigger. And most likely the price will go up into the higher-grade DSLR's territory. These may defeat the intention of photographers who wish for DSLR's IQ in a camera without the price and size of it.
Anyway, other advisable upgrades: high-resolution LED screen, faster auto-focusing speed, wider choice of lens. But, could this be the competitors' tactics to slow down the sales of E-P1 rather than a rumour in the wind?