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Selected Excellence: Portrait Lens

Traditionals have a term for lens to take portraits with. They call it, obviously, portrait lens.

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Some may point to you that a "standard" portrait lens for a 35mm camera is a 135mm lens, while others say that it should be 105mm. There are also some specific way for using a portrait lens as how it is supposed to be used. Take for example, dial up the f stops to a smaller number when using the longer focal lengths to render the subject completely in focus, you would be told. Of course, for camera of other formats, the "standard" portrait lens have different focal length requirements.

So, what about portrait lens for a compact?

Let's look at the causal portrait shots here done with a fixed lens of Sigma DP1 by SY Hsu, who has been introduced to readers here and here before. With the fantastic portrait works under his belt (lucky him mostly for beauties) and the portrait works awards (here, here and here)he won from PX3, he offers us some brief insights of his about portrait lens for compact.

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By SY Hsu (translated by Nevin): As we use a compact, it reveals the false proposition of a "portrait lens", doesn't it? A false proposition it exposes also of the need to evenly expose for a portrait so that the subject is bright and beautiful. Such are prejudice of no significance, I'd say. How we use what for an image hinges on our intention! With the desirable lighting condition, atmosphere, facial expression and pose, a great photo is just a click away. I can never stress too strongly in saying that the essentials in photography are skills. Goodness knows how many times I have repeated this!

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Very well said. I think Hsu is primarily saying that the "right" lenses, and any other gear for that matter, have not much bearing on producing good photos. Whichever lens we use, it is for achieving what we intend to say in an image. First intention, then the choice of gear. Not the other way round.

Of course, in our course of learning photography, it is okay to shadow the styles of photography masters with lens of similar focal lengths. It is all right to pick a specific lens called a "standard" and follow standard compositions. But we also have to build up our own style and pick the lens of our choice to convey our own messages. Otherwise, photography would be pretty boring!


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