I have had quite a bit of bad luck lately. The fact that bad luck happens to us sometimes somehow is one of those problems that are annoying chiefly because they are not supposed to be there at all. It was a very early morning last week when I missed my flight to connect to an international flight. The friendly airport security guy was compassionate enough to help send my oversize luggage case through the x-ray machine, which made quite a scene, and cheered me on as I ran to the gate. But I came down to the decision to return to the check-in counter when the 15-minute explanation to the ground crew at the gate yielded no result.
I left the gate seeing the other passengers off as they went up the plane which was just 100 metres from me.
After much ado about putting me on another flight with the helpdesk conversationalist from probably India over the phone, I sighed to myself in the cold morning mist waiting on the bench off the airport entrance for my Airbnb host to pick me up. Sometimes, we just have to be Quixotic and make the most out of a worst case scenario. So, when the host suggested going to a Sunday market, I replied why not The drive took under 30 minutes and the kiosks were just being set up. Five minutes after going into the market, I ended up chatting with the red wine farmers selling their proudly made organic Pinot Noir.

In fact, I saw the gaze of their expectant eyes as I walked near their kiosk. The passion is in the eyes, as I once read in a prose about George Washington. I have a brief reminder in a picture that I put on my phone as the wallpaper. The few words of the reminder read, "Don't forget to do good and help others out." Before starting the conversation, I looked into the eyes of the farmer couples and thought to myself that it could make their day if I bought a bottle from them. I was glad that I did It also made my day and drove away the unpleasant thought of missing the flights.
