Honestly I have always been amused by the term "phone photography". Back ten years, I had a Casio camera watch(I still have it with me). If it had been popular enough, we might have had a splinter genre called wrist watch photography. As technology is taking quantum leaps, camera functionality can prevail in whatever portable device we can name. Who knows if then we will have handbag photography, eyeglass photography and so on and so forth. Where will all these photography genres fit? In this vein of thought, it strikes me that what matters may not be the device. Surely a phone with camera functionality can stealtilhy approach subjects to so close a distance for candid shots that no presently available camera can win for that matter. But when Google glasses with camera functionality are selling well, where will the smartphones stand in the competition of up-close-and-stealthily? So, what matters in the categorisation are the characteristics of such snapshots (instancy is one; candidness is another; use of ambient light is third). It may be worthy to put shots taken with all such portable devices into one single category.