This is a photo of some Filipino domestic helpers in the street taken in 2012.
Yesterday was called a dark day by Filipino domestic helpers supporting their two countrywomen as appeal respondents claiming for the right to permanent residency in Hong Kong as the Final Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the other side of the proceeding, the Government. The top appeal judges held the unanimous view that domestic helpers have an understanding of the nature of their temporary stay and deprivation of an access to the permanent abode right from the outset when they enter into the contract. This reasoning was thought to be not on a definitive law basis by the respondents' legal representative for most other expats working in Hong Kong can on some terms apply for permanent Hong Kong citizenship.
Whenever there is a choice, there will be a dilemma and contradictory views. Being just has never been in an absolute sense. Justice is quite a fascinating topic and I can easily recommend a good read on it -- Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? by Michael J Sandel: