The more I use my currently owned cameras, the less keenly felt is the tantalising chance of getting a new camera between the hefty price tag and the perennial mulling over which will be the perfect choice. It sounds like a paradox but the perfect choice is very often among those lying in your camera cabinet. In the film era, there was a notion of outgrowing a camera before getting a new one. Fact is, it takes years of using and exploring with a camera to outgrow it. These days, the short cycles of quantum leap in digital imaging technology make me wonder whether so many novel fancy features should be put in a new model in the first place. I bet 99% of the users would have never touched half of all functions before the thought is spent on getting the next camera. The notion of outgrowing a camera is out. Most features of a camera are actually of practical value. But we seldom use them and are most interested in chasing the perfect camera.
Trust me, the perfect camera is lying in your camera cabinet. You would have known it if you spend more time exploring it.