(Leica D-Lux 5; The Chinese character behind the old madam is Time which rightly connects to the philosophical tone I wish for the shot)
Yesterday's post brought me to the reasoning over why mediating (fabricating may be the more exact word) the story of my subject bestows on me a higher chance of getting a better snap. An intuitive conclusion is that the process allows me a specific idea on the tone befitting the final image. Street shots happen and complete in a split of a second, and so I may not go through this process exactly step by step. But with it I become more aware of the importance of being connected to the subject to hopefully retell his or her story (which I fabricated from the facial expressions etc.) in a shot, hence doing the composition and exposure for an intended effect. At any rate, this practice is probably better than just shooting aimlessly in the street, which I, for sure, sometimes do too.