The shot was done in a bus terminus in Dubai. A documentary filmed by the Radio and Television Hong Kong reveals that the modern development in Dubai emulated Hong Kong's in a big way at its start. Would it be too cheeky to say that this is why even the Dubai bus takes on the iconic red and white of the Kowloon Motor Bus?
With probably such chutzpah, I showed this shot to a friend of mine just into photography in responding to her question about why her images lacked the three-dimensional-ish look evident in the better photos of others. One usual technique of mine which could address her concern is to make enough use of the foreground, mid-ground and background when framing a shot. For sure, the use of the right background is crucial to not detract attention from the main subjects, which is worthy of a separate discussion of its own. As to blurring the background, to open the aperture wide is a point that should not require making.