Photography is a hobby which one can enjoy indoors or outdoors, alone or in a group, in a luxury style or without the prohibitively expensive outlay, at a young or great age. But after having used the Leica and the Lecia forum, probably because Leica cameras have more mature users, I have a second thought about the last point – at a great age.
From the Leica Forum, a user jank made an interesting comment on camera shake:
There are two types of "shake", one could be described as a camera movement, the other a real shake, which I am experiencing now being 73 yrs old.
The first one could be alleviated by using any type of support, like light tabletop tripod rested against the chest.
The other needs more mass to take care of the shake.
Not just the shaking of the hands. At the Ricoh HK meetup, some users mentioned their aging uncles’s eyesight has deteriorated so much that they cannot do manual focusing through the viewfinder.
Something for thought.