Well, well, well, what is the good of a well without water? But then what can be good about a well too full of water? Look at your camera cabinet, it's so embarrasingly crowdy, isn't it?
The Chinese proverb corresponding to "Pot calling kettle black" is, literally, "the person paced 50 steps sneers at the other at 100 steps" (pronounced in Cantonese: ngsap bou siu babou). It means that a person having done a bit wrong has the chutzpah to sneer at the other having done a bit more wrong.
Now check out your camera cabinet again: one, two, three, four.... Has there been a point in using any forum that you sarcastically wrote about you being a real photographer not a camera collector? Well, your stock of five cameras cannot qualify you as a collector who has a stock of cameras double yours. But look, isn't there a slight flight of fancy deep inside yourself making your mouth watering about the X Pro-1, about adding just one more to your collections?
What on earth is the reason that you want it? For focusing speed, you have a fairly reliable DSLR. For the claimed near-full-frame image quality, you have no need to make any large prints. For using the vintage lenses, you already have a decent mirror-less camera for that purpose. So, for what cogent and practical reasons that you need a new camera, maybe the X Pro-1?
Stop and think twice before you step forward. By the way, have you made full use of the five cameras in your keep?
Now check out your camera cabinet again: one, two, three, four.... Has there been a point in using any forum that you sarcastically wrote about you being a real photographer not a camera collector? Well, your stock of five cameras cannot qualify you as a collector who has a stock of cameras double yours. But look, isn't there a slight flight of fancy deep inside yourself making your mouth watering about the X Pro-1, about adding just one more to your collections?
What on earth is the reason that you want it? For focusing speed, you have a fairly reliable DSLR. For the claimed near-full-frame image quality, you have no need to make any large prints. For using the vintage lenses, you already have a decent mirror-less camera for that purpose. So, for what cogent and practical reasons that you need a new camera, maybe the X Pro-1?
Stop and think twice before you step forward. By the way, have you made full use of the five cameras in your keep?