The downfall of Nokia in the cellphone market may be repeating in the camera market. Japan market data recently shows that the promising sales of mirrorless cameras in Japan is eating in the market shares of the “definitive” DSLRs of the two key players, Canon and Nikon. The standoff between the several “minors” and the two big guys is not only likely but has already taken place. At the moment, the two does not sound a bit edgy about this. At any rate, it is interesting to see how Canon and Nikon will react to take on the challengers’ suppressed taunts and retain the glory. Now that the duo have lost (cast away?) the best momentum to jump on the mirroless bandwagon, the likelihood of seeing comparable models from them is highly questionable. At least they remain coy about such a reality.

However, since they are still holding the rein on the market, the duo may manage to strangle the challengers simply by downsizing their cameras in the pipeline while beefing them up in functionality. Cutting cost is believed to be not in their dictionary. The next move is remained to be seen.
Back to the shots of today. They were made possible through constantly observing the world around. In the first shot, the two persons were in fact having some prank with one another. Since their body gestures and sizes made a prominent and comical contrast, which should make the image focus, the author snapped the shot in black and white to accentuate such a focus by removing all the distractions. The second shot took place some 30 seconds afterwards. If the second interesting scene had not been anticipated, the author would have already left and therefore missed the shot. Observation and anticipation are the indispensible elements in photography, in a way more important than one’s photographic skills.