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The Association of Food with 1/60s

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If asked what Cheung Chau is most associated with, there would not be an easy answer because the island is famous for so many things. The Buns Festival? The pirate's cave? The fishing port? The walla-wallas? The beaches? Its iconic geographic shape? They all are assoicated with Cheung Chau. So is seafood. _SAM2076 (Medium)

Just as one cannot visit Beijing without setting foot on the Great Wall, visiting Cheung Chau without trying seafood is a sin absolutely not to be committed. Do it alfresco at any of the Daipaidongs (search this site about what it is) lining the promenada. If you ask for my recommendation, don't miss the one located immediately next to Pak She Fourth Lane. It offers the best seafood with good value for money. It is advisable to book a table in advance or arrive eariler during weekends or holidays.

_SAM2079 (Medium) To take streetshots like these, or actually under any situation, using the flash is a non-starter unless a special effect is intended. Alas, we have ISO 3200 and 6400 at a flick of a finger. Who needs flash? This brings us to the question of whether digital cameras are associated most with or without better creativity in photographic techniques.

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With no extra cost for experiencing with additional shots and the convinence of post-processing, for example, how many digital camera users are aware that Aperture Priority Mode is the best choice for flash photography if the background ambient light is to be captured?

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How many do we know what the 1/60s given by the P mode for a flash shot means? Okay, with digital cameras, we can achieve the shots with a decently exposed background at the mercy of the wisdom of the camera: auto high-sensitivity, auto nighshot mode, et cetera. This is okay but knowing how to do what is just different, if not better.

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The conclusion is not necessary that one type of camera is better than others. But instead of dropping in just any daipaidong for seafood in Cheung Chau, it pays to know which daipaidong has the best offers. In photography, isn't the logic same?

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After the seafood dinner, I went through the maze of dark alleys and lanes leading to the place I was staying in. Actually the maze was so confusing that I lost my orientation. What did I do? I took it a chance to shoot more photos on my way back to the starting point for finding the right route.


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