I recently had a chat with a friend of mine. She is at a powerful position in an Aussie company, overseeing the accounting departments of 60 plus subsidiaries around the world. Her schedule can be described as two thirds of a day spent in the office, one third at home (primarily in bed), one fifth of a year out of town. She lives in a big apartment by the local standards, has two children but neither hobbies nor time for herself.
I asked, "What is the meaning of your life? You are spending your life helping other people make money!"
Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, it is full of ups on one side but tossed by downs on the other. But if the course you are charting is in somebody's else waters, the ups and downs combine just for a very likely result: wasting a life which is yours.
If you're young enough to take some risks, take them. Think carefully and start a business of your own. When you've made enough money, refrain from trawling more money. Have a steady flow of money and invest your time in helping others smile. Get a hobby too.