The light that plays, like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that man can lie.
-- RobĂndronath Thakur, Indian Poet and Philosopher
It is a bliss being able to walk in autumn, hear autumn colours singing and cool breezes ruffling leaves. Feel the silence in your spirit and the echos in your heart. That makes the troubles or the hard times facing us less rough for a moment. This is actually not a good time as people are losing their jobs in the wake of the financial downturn. If you are going through financial hardship or expecting to be so, don't despair. I had ridden out one not long ago. It is going to be hard, but then it is going to be through one day.
If that will make you feel easier, consider what a blessing it is to us just being able to walk, be it on our feet, on crutches or on a wheelchair. Go hear the colours sing and the rustling of the leaves. Look up at the sky, see, blue is actually beautiful. When the autumn goes, winter will come and finally, so will the hopes in springtime. The process is not going to be easy. But whatever it may take, buck up. Find help, that's important.